Firm News


My 16-year-old granddaughter no longer wants to live with me. The courts gave me custody when she was a baby. Her parents are not in the picture. The DCF lawyer states she is still a state child. What can I do besides let her do whatever she wants? Can she move out...

Domestic Partnership Alimony

My fiancé of 9 years left me. We have been living together since 2011 and we are registered domestic partners with the Broward County Ordinance 1999-18 since 2013. Can he legally help me out financially to start a life without him since I do not have any money saved...


My husband filed for divorce after being charged with domestic violence. Now he’s on probation for a year. He claims he wants to reconcile but he’s refusing to stop the legal process until “I prove” certain things to him. Does this benefit him in any way? He makes...

Full Custody Request

I am a mother and my son’s dad only had him for 3 weeks. Now he wants to give him to me. His dad is very unfit. What documents do I need to take to the court to get full custody of my son? The Florida courts will not usually take away the other parent’s right to see...