How to Increase Alimony
I want to increase my alimony. My husband is now making more money. I was married for twenty-five years. What do I need to do? Alimony is based on a party’s need and the other party’s ability to pay. A modification of permanent alimony may be warranted when one party...
Domestic Partnership Alimony
My fiancé of 9 years left me. We have been living together since 2011 and we are registered domestic partners with the Broward County Ordinance 1999-18 since 2013. Can he legally help me out financially to start a life without him since I do not have any money saved...
Confidentiality Agreement when Divorce Happens and a Business Is Present
I’m currently in the process of divorcing a spouse with a business that was established during the marriage of 27 years. My husband is postponing releasing his financials with the company until all parties sign a Proposed Confidentially Agreement. Why is he requesting...