Work With A Full-Service Family Law Attorney

Attorneys who advertise that they only defend one type of client are not worth using, as no legal matter involves just one facet of law. If you ask your attorney a question about your case, and they answer with “I do not do that,” then find a new attorney.

Any attorney worth their weight understands the connections between all aspects of family law and has made connections with other attorneys who specialize in alternative areas of family law. A divorce may seem like a simple legal action, but a simple divorce may turn into a child custody battle, doubled with tax litigation, etc. Having connections and knowledge about all aspects of family law is what makes an attorney like Mark E. Sawicki the lawyer to choose. I am available to you by phone, online or in person at my Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach Gardens offices.

Keep Track Of Family Life Trends That May Affect You And Your Children

Your divorce or child relocation is very personal, but it does not take place in a vacuum. You are part of your community and you may soon discover a newfound interest in local issues having to do with divorce and single parenting.

By working with a lawyer who stays up to date with current local trends in divorce, child custody enforcement, and other family law matters, you can proceed through this change of life with greater confidence. An attorney who is on top of contemporary issues will make good use of digital tools such as online searches through hashtags (#). With hashtags, entire fields of knowledge such as #divorce and #paternity are documented and organized on internet forums.

For LGBT family law issues, name changes or any other legal issues, I am always ready to advise clients with full awareness of current trends. If I am your divorce lawyer, you can know that I consider it important to stay on the cutting edge in family law issues in your area through social media forums as well as through professional organizations and an active family law practice.

Discover The Advantages Of Working With An Up-To-Date Family Law Attorney

Every new family law case brings new issues to light. I am genuinely interested in learning about your concerns and sharing how I can help you find your way forward at a time of transition in your family life.

From my law offices in Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach Gardens, I reach clients throughout Broward and Palm Beach counties. I hope to hear from you soon by email or through a phone call to 954-928-9331.