How to Stop Timesharing
I got divorced in Florida earlier this year and we agreed to split custody of our dogs. Do I still have to abide by that now? We agreed to share the dogs for 6 months on and 6 months off. Now I don’t want the dogs because It’s far too stressful to maintain contact...
Change in Custody Hearing Location
Will I have to travel to my ex’s county if she doesn’t have transportation to the custody battle? I am filing for divorce with my kids in my county, but because my ex does not have a vehicle, she said that I would have to go to her county to go through the custody...
Divorce With An International Party
Can certified mail sent by a spouse, not the court, be used to get a divorce in Florida? The papers were sent by her lawyer. She wants me to sign and give up my right to a hearing before a judge. The papers are blank, and she didn’t include the debts. Then she told me...
Timesharing When A Parent is Unavailable
What happens if the judge orders a temporary timeshare relief and the mother doesn’t obey and is nowhere to be found? I am the father and I got temporary timesharing granted. The mother is not living at her address anymore and is being increasingly difficult. What can...
Wrongful Removal Paternity Issue
Can my ex leave the country with my daughter if he has my passports and wallet? We have a two-year-old daughter together but no custody or child support arrangements. He took the diaper bag with our passports and wallet in it and is now threatening to leave the U.S....
Lying on Marriage License
What happens when someone lies on a marriage license in the state of Florida? My soon-to-be ex lied about never being previously married on our marriage application. However, during discovery and depositions, I found out that I am the second wife rather than the first...
Transferring Custody Orders to New States
I have a custody order in Florida and the father moved to Arizona. My kids and I live in California with permission form the Florida court. Can I move the order to California? The father has been absent for a year but threatened to go after me for not allowing him to...
Not Attending Mediation
What happens if my soon-to-be ex-husband did not attend mediation yesterday? He says he forgot; however, he has a medical condition. He says he will blame it on his seizures although he blatantly told me he did not have a seizure yesterday. Any advice would be greatly...
Which Name Should I Use?
Can I use my anglicized name on legal documents such as insurance, investments, and bank accounts? I use my anglicized name for business to help people pronounce my name correctly, and I have an affidavit telling people that I use my anglicized name. What should I...
COVID-19 Custody Changes
How are courts handling custody and timesharing during the pandemic? What if one parent doesn’t believe that we are in a pandemic, but the child is high risk and the parent’s lifestyle is risky (including interstate traveling, not wearing a mask, attending parties,...