How to Navigate Gender and Name Change in Florida
The City of Fort Lauderdale is a diverse area home to one of the highest concentrations of same-sex households and LGBTQ-owned businesses. The City of Wilton Manors (also in Broward county, directly adjacent to Fort Lauderdale) is known as “South Florida’s most famous...
Marital and Nonmarital Assets and Liabilities
Can I legally get my spouse off the deed to my house if I was the sole purchaser? My husband and I got married four years ago. Two years ago, we moved to Florida and bought a house with cash. The title company suggested we both sign the title deed. However, we bought...
How to Increase Alimony
I want to increase my alimony. My husband is now making more money. I was married for twenty-five years. What do I need to do? Alimony is based on a party’s need and the other party’s ability to pay. A modification of permanent alimony may be warranted when one party...
My child’s father is using. How do I get full custody?
My child’s father is using and selling drugs. We do not have any custody agreement. I moved out, but he is still using drugs behind my back. I want to get full custody with supervised visits, if anything. What should I do? This sounds like a Florida Statute §742...
Violation of the Parenting Plan
What can I do if my parenting plan says I am entitled to one phone call a day and her father refuses to let me speak to her? My parenting plan says each parent is allowed one call each day to out four-year-old daughter before 7:00 pm (her bedtime). My daughter’s...
How do I file a divorce complaint?
How do I answer a divorce complaint? I just got served. Now the other party is asking for an emergency stay. Should I file one too? My husband wants an annulment. Depending on the specific facts and circumstances of your case, either an annulment or a dissolution of...
LGBTQ Marriage and Domestic Partnership Rights in Florida
Based on recent Supreme Court decisions, same-sex marriage was legalized in all 50 states as of 2015 after Obergefell v. Hodges. It took many years to finally reach this decision, as certain individual states over time had banned same-sex marriage, while other states...
Writ of Body Attachment
There are numerous ways a writ of body attachment can be perfected by a court; but first, let’s address what a writ of body attachment is. Florida Statute §61.11 (2019) authorizes a court to execute a written document ordering law enforcement to arrest someone for...
Domestic Violence Evidence
Can one be pressured to resolve civil matters to resolve a criminal matter? Can a home video be used in court as evidence for either? This is a Florida Domestic Violence Battery case. The party that was assaulted has a video of the incident. That same party is saying...
Overdue Alimony
Can I put a hold on my ex-husband’s passport for nonpayment of alimony? He is leaving the country to go to Costa Rica. We have been divorced since January of 2017. I live in Florida. He is self-employed, lives in Colorado, and owes me over $50,000.00 in back alimony...