Mark E. Sawicki, P.A. Legal Blog

Job (Summer Associate)

Mark E. Sawicki, local Family Law Attorney, is not taking a summer break when it comes to expanding the minds of future young family law attorneys. While constantly striving to better his own education, the need for the same passion amongst young attorneys has not...

Temporary Custody

I am filing for 50% custody, but I want visitations in the meantime because my child’s mother will not allow me to see her. She keeps taking her away from me whenever she feels like I don’t want to do the thing and she asked me to do for her and not for the child. How...

Business in Divorce

I’m currently in the process of divorcing a spouse with a business that was established during the marriage of 27 years. My husband is postponing his financials with the company until all parties sign a Proposed Confidentially Agreement. What is the necessity of the...

Non-Resident Divorce

Can I get a divorce if both of us are non-residents and we got married in Florida? Both of us are from different countries. We been working on cruise ships but have been separated for 2 years and now want a divorce. To get a Dissolution of Marriage in Florida, the...

Filing for Divorce

I went to the courthouse and was given an enormous stack of paper work to file for divorce, probably 75-100 pages. I read online just to file for divorce I only needed just the petition for dissolution of marriage and the rest of the papers could follow within 45...