Florida Family Law

Lying on Marriage License

What happens when someone lies on a marriage license in the state of Florida? My soon-to-be ex lied about never being previously married on our marriage application. However, during discovery and depositions, I found out that I am the second wife rather than the first...

Not Attending Mediation

What happens if my soon-to-be ex-husband did not attend mediation yesterday? He says he forgot; however, he has a medical condition. He says he will blame it on his seizures although he blatantly told me he did not have a seizure yesterday. Any advice would be greatly...

COVID-19 Custody Changes

How are courts handling custody and timesharing during the pandemic? What if one parent doesn’t believe that we are in a pandemic, but the child is high risk and the parent’s lifestyle is risky (including interstate traveling, not wearing a mask, attending parties,...