Prenuptial Agreements are not just for protection and defense against a potential money grab. Prenuptial Agreements make good sense to have in any marriage because they create known boundaries on property brought into and gained during the marriage. Setting these guidelines up before the marriage takes place should not be considered an adversarial move against your spouse, but as a way to determine the financial boundaries of a marriage.
How do I legally prepare a prenuptial agreement in Florida?
- There are a few ways to prepare a Prenuptial Agreement in Florida, but the only tried and true way to properly prepare a Prenuptial Agreement is to consult with a family law attorney to prepare the Prenuptial Agreement on your behalf. Improperly preparing or leaving out specific line items in a Prenuptial Agreement will have consequences that will not be felt until the marriage comes to an end. This can take time, and by the time your marriage is ending, the horror of finding out your Prenuptial Agreement will not be held up in court can add to your emotional and financial stress of divorce. Avoid the chance of this happening by using an experienced family law attorney to create and file your Prenuptial Agreement.
Whom should I contact about prenuptial agreements in Florida?
- Contact a qualified, experienced family law attorney like Mark E. Sawicki, P.A. to file your Prenuptial Agreement in Florida. The reason you need to use an experienced family law attorney is because it takes experience to understand the totality of a Prenuptial Agreement. A lawyer fresh out of law school will volunteer to help with your Pre-nup, however, they will likely fail to mention specific line items that an experienced family law attorney will put forth. These line items might not seem like much during the first consultation, but years down the road when the marriage hits the rocks, these line items will shine through saving precious time and money in the courts.
Do prenuptial agreements cost money to draft?
- You will want to spend the money on a qualified, professional family law attorney to go over every legal detail of your Prenuptial Agreement. It is important to have a professional who has experience review the Prenuptial Agreement to make sure it expresses every aspect of your intentions thoroughly and completely. The only time you might have problems with your Prenuptial Agreement are when your marriage ends and that could be years from when you originally drafted the agreement. It is important to get the writing of your Prenuptial Agreement correct the first time.
Contact Our Family Law Attorney in Ft. Lauderdale Today!
Prenuptial Agreements have a stigma for being evil! Some people feel this way because they are not aware of the strict nature of equitable distribution. Only after going through divorce do people realize that marital assets, pre-marital assets, and assets gained after a marriage are all considered property worth distributing by a family law court. Prenuptial Agreements are safeguards against a court coming in and splitting all property 50/50 to each partner. By approaching a Prenuptial Agreement in this regard, you and your partner should understand that is in the best of both your interests to speak with an experienced, professional family law attorney about a Prenuptial Agreement.